Special Products

MPC-140 is a highly fibrillated synthetic polyethylene pulp. It is recommended for use as a thickener in coatings to improve the dimensional stability, strength, and overall crack resistance.

MPC-191 is a 100% solids, two component epoxy countertop coating system. It has a low mixed viscosity that helps avoid excess air entrapment. When mixed/cured properly, it meets the requirements for direct food contact by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. It is offered as a 2-gallon kit.

MPC-195 is a 100% solids, low exotherm two component epoxy casting system. This product is made specifically for deep pour (up to 3 inch) casting for river tables, jewelry and embedding applications. This product is designed to avoid excess air entrapment and to flow into tight crevices or around complex shapes. It is offered as a 3-gallon kit.

MPC-COVE is a three component, 100% solids, epoxy mortar kit, designed for cove bases and vertical applications. This kit contains an epoxy resin, a hardener and a natural sand aggregate to help grip on vertical surfaces.